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We are the product of IPG Grant.


As part of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the Maryland Local section has the been interested in creating programs that create a strong connection with the community. Members of the ACS Maryland local section, scientists, the industry, University and colleges professors and students, high school teachers and students, and people of the Baltimore Community area are invited to have this connection with ACS Maryland.


This connection makes us different from other local sections because we work together. We make your company stand out and show our visitors who you are. We share knowledge, ideas and projects. Feel free to contact us and share any idea or project you have in mind.  Become a member of the ACS Maryland local section community to enjoy the lectures, programs, share projects, and  advance together.  In ACS Maryland local Section you will find a friend.


We are check our website and  become part of our family.

The highlights of our website are: AWARDS/ OUTREACH Programs/The CHESAPEAKE CHEMIST our newsletter

​ Check all reports on past events, create a net-work of professionals that can exchange knowledge and facilitate work for you. Learn about new events. See if you can volunteer part of your time to benefit others. Become a Mentor of High Schools students in Research Summers. Let us know about your company . Present a talk, a poster or participate in a webinar. Create your team and let us know the services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business. Let us know  what makes you different from your competitors. Let us learn from you. Make your company and you stand out.

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